Interview with Branka van der Linden | Entrepreneur | Mentor | Trainer | Author | Speaker | Founder at Meaningful Synergies Ltd

Branka van der Linden

At Brilliant Read Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. This week we invited yet another passionate women entrepreneur Branka van der Linden for an exclusive interview with us. Branka is a Leader, Entrepreneur, Trainer, Author, Mentor, Speaker and Founder of Meaningful Synergies Ltd. Let’s read more about her incredible journey so far and her advice for our growing community!

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Branka:

We are aware of your contribution to the ecosystem, talk us through your background and your journey as a women entrepreneur, please;

If you count my organizing village fashion show to raise money for local girls or fundraising for HIV awareness initiatives, I have been an entrepreneur since childhood. I have been an exemplary schoolgirl, so I got selected for Petnica Science Center and Research station program, which nourished my curiosity and further enhanced my love for learning.

Yet, when life happens, you end up in a different direction. I did not get the opportunity to study when I was younger, so I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Master’s in Law – International Business while I was raising my own family. It made sense to go in that direction because of the job I was doing at the time.

However, my interest in psychology and creativity prevailed after years, and as an entrepreneur and lifelong learner, I could pursue doing projects that felt closer to my sense of purpose.

What attracts you towards entrepreneurship instead of a corporate career?

For years I have been struggling with what to do with my corporate career. I was successfully delivering results but did not feel they have a significant impact. Funnily several years ago, I was invited to an international corporate conference, which led me right into entrepreneurship.

My desire to make a difference, do meaningful projects, help and empower others forced me to create a marriage between corporate and entrepreneurship. I understood I don’t have to choose one instead of another. I joined forces and created meaningful synergies.

‘Meaningful Synergies’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving with the help of your startup?

Before starting any meaningful task, I do significant research. As a natural networker, I wanted a company name that communicates the essence of what I had to offer to the community. Interestingly enough, it started as an events company. I was organizing a big startup event Get in the Ring competition and needed to launch the company. Needless to say, our first logo was a quick patch and did not resonate much.

I gathered a focus group. We held interesting brainstorming sessions, which resulted in successful rebranding at the beginning of 2019. That is how the slogan “empowering zeal & zest” came to life. We are today an internationally acknowledged brand and international trademark.

Meaningful Synergies is a high-impact organisation that supports entrepreneurship in all its forms. We like helping entrepreneurs improving their business skills, and we know that long-lasting relationships take time and effort to build.

My corporate background and diverse interests help apply a holistic approach to client problems and source the best possible team assigned to each project we undertake.

During this COVID-19 crisis, what are the measures you have undertaken to continue your business without disruption?

If anyone tells you they continued their business without any disruption, they are not honest. The pandemic took us all by surprise. We were not ready, as it was a sci-fi scenario. The difference is, once you recognize that only the change is permanent, your points of view are endless.

We had to adapt fast, further embrace technology, reskill and change the business model. Physical events and gathering were no longer possible, yet the human need for connection and communication was still there. This is why Meaningful Synergies expanded its offering by introducing Points of You creative tools and training for personal and professional development through online presence.

How do you manage yourself and keep on going despite the challenges? What drives you?

I learned through the years the importance of keeping myself accountable and building support systems around me of trusted associates to overcomable challenges that are an inevitable part of doing business. 

I have the blessing of being a naturally energetic and enthusiastic person. I get happy by listening to the “Pick Me Up” playlist, and what drives me is the appreciation for lifelong learning and contributing to human rights. A deep sense of integrity and intuition are the core of my motivation.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned building your startup?

I had fierce discussions more than once with experts in the industry and laypeople on the difference between starting a small business and startups. While I own Meaningful Synergies, I am also developing startup project under the same umbrella. So I am involved in both.

One of my research thesis was dedicated to the life of a startup. I failed in two six-figure businesses, and what I learned is that as long as we keep our health, everything else is overcomable. Another lesson is to always make things clear on paper and cover all possible and less possible scenarios for an exit.

The handshake of gentlemen is honourable, but ‘Black on White’ is admissible in court. The most important lesson is to remember to be forgiving and gentle with yourself.

Branka van der Linden

What are the business mantras you have embraced as you sought to establish your success story?

My favourite quote is by Alan K. Simpson: “If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.”

Walking the Talk while developing my business gave inclusive meaning to “Empowering Zeal & Zest” with everything I do.

Given the rapid pace at which the world is changing, what are the leadership traits that are necessary for success? 

I sometimes wonder if classifying people as leaders versus followers is derogatory. Why would anyone have to follow another? Can’t we all walk side by side?

I believe that empathy and compassion are needed if we want to nourish humanity, and somehow those are long-forgotten traits. 

Please share with us – what has worked well for you so far?

What works really well is bringing out intrinsic motivation and doing things to create impact rather than profit. When you build long-term relationships and develop deep trust, business comes along as well.

In your opinion, what is more necessary: An idea or a good team for a successful startup?

You can have the best team in the country, but the team will starve if the market-product fit is missing. Likewise, if you have a phenomenal idea, innovation, or useful service, and your team is dysfunctional, your business will fail.

I will say that the core team spirit is essential to design and execute the strategy for your business, and we all have over 6000 thoughts a day, so you can engage your team to become an idea machine too.

You are always positive and motivated, what keeps you going?

Nowadays, in the covid era, ‘Being Positive’ has a totally new connotation. So I choose the word optimistic.

I am far from being always motivated. There are days I don’t feel like getting up from bed. Sometimes, my son walks in the room to kiss me good morning with an innocent smile on his face, and that’s all it takes. I practice starting my morning with gratitude, giving me energy through the day. My sense of purpose is becoming stronger every day, and that definitely keeps me going.

We would love to know your advice for all those starting out as an aspiring women entrepreneur?

a) Be curious about life and about the business.

b) Dare to speak up and don’t hesitate to ask difficult questions.

c) We all have self-sabotage traits, so surrounding yourself with inspiring and driven people to keep you on track is beneficial.

d) Confidence is vital, so remember that everyone has strengths and talents!


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Prachee Gaur | Career Coach I Educationist I Speaker I Founder at Remarkable Education

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